Question not answered? Contact us.

Q: How do I join?

A: Go to our register page, sign up with your name, preference for academic assistance, and agree to the code of conduct. You will receive an email confirmation, along with updates about meetings. 

Q: What are the requirements to join?

A: The BSC is open to all students who identify as black, attend a predominately white institution, and are entering 7th grade and up. Prior to joining, you must also agree to all terms outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Q: What happens if we don't adhere to the Code of Conduct?

A: We will treat each situation on a case by case basis, but generally you will be asked to leave the program if you violate any of the rules. 

Q: What do our meetings look like?

A: On one Saturday out every month we have 2-3 hour meetings at a participating school, which consist of a presentation and social time. When you attend a meeting, the discussion will be led by the BSC reps. Read more about what reps do here.